A space for self-harm
The zine brings together poetry, artwork, and reflective writing: it is a resource created by people with experience of self-harm for people with experience of self-harm.
It can be hard to find spaces to think about or talk honestly about our experiences of self-harm; for many of us this was particularly hard during lockdown and the pandemic, as the social realities of our lives changed or intensified.
In order to try and make space for those experiences, Make Space Director Veronica Heney collaborated with Self-Injury Support to produce a one-off collaborative zine.
Our zines are accompanied by a content note, telling you what is on each page. We encourage readers to look at this note before you get involved and decide what you’re up for reading.
Take your time and take care of yourself - the zines aren’t going anywhere!
The copyright of artwork in this zine remains with the original creators, any reproduction of it therefore requires their permission.
If you would like to discuss making a zine together, order hard-copies, or would like permission to circulate/print/otherwise distribute the work, please email info@makespaceco.org