Arts & Ourselves: Creative reflections on self-harm

Arts & Ourselves was a four month creative arts programme led by and for people with experience of self-harm. 

We made lots of different things during our time together. We invented spaceships, collaged new worlds, wrote letters to ourselves, designed dating profiles for dogs, and made memes about Madness. We laughed, raged, and mostly, we spent time with one another. That time was non-directional, ambling, and tender. 

This zine captures some of that magic, showing people’s art alongside our reflections on creativity, making, and self-harm.

Our zines are accompanied by a content note, telling you what is on each page. We encourage readers to look at this note before you read the zine.

Take your time and take care of yourself - the zines aren’t going anywhere!

The zine is also available as a plain-text word document.

The copyright of artwork in this zine remains with the original creators, any reproduction of it therefore requires their permission. 

If you would like to discuss making a zine together, order hard-copies, or would like permission to circulate/print/otherwise distribute the work, please email